Visitor Flow Management for Museum, Gallery or Library

The amazement visitors feel as they enter your museum is enhanced as they are guided seamlessly through the exhibition. State-of-the-art visitor flow management makes your museum more inviting while increasing your operational efficiency.

Visitor flow – from basic counts to complete analytics 

Xovis sensors track visitors in real-time, enabling you to guide them through your museum, and historical data allows you to analyze exhibition success and optimize operations. 

  1. 1

    Guide and manage visitor flow

    Enhance visitor experience with live occupancy information for popular rooms and areas. 
    Acquire accurate and reliable visitor statistics for management, sponsors, and public funding providers, for permanent and temporary exhibitions, indoors or outdoors – or both.

  2. 2

    Understand and plan the success of exhibitions and campaigns

    Record the visitor’s journey, focus, viewing direction, and demographics to aid exhibition design.
    Analyze data easily to plan campaigns tailored to your target groups.

  3. 3

    The data-driven solution to optimize operations

    Improve operations by identifying how and when queues develop. Staff and schedule reception, security, and cleaning personnel based on visitor flow to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Optimize heating, cooling, and lighting costs based on actual usage.

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    Future proof sensor technology

    Our sensors are up to 99.9% accurate, AI-powered and guarantee data privacy: None of the captured images are transmitted. No visitor images leave the sensor: coordinates are displayed as colorful dots – a living work of art.

3D sensors for museums, galleries or libraries

Our robust sensors are quick and easy to set up. Embedded processing delivers real-time data for visitor numbers and visitor flow to configured specifications. The system is expandable and scalable. Our multi-sensor framework provides real-time analytics over large areas.

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People Counting Guide

Find out how Xovis' People Counting Guide can help you to get valuable insights into visitor movement and behavior. Increase your museum, gallery or library visitor satisfaction, and therefore its profitability.

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Connect with us today

We're here to support accurate visitor counting by providing consultations to museums. For partners, we offer support and services from training modules to remote setup and verification. Get in touch, we’re ready to help!

Contact us