Face mask detection

Sensors detect if a person is wearing a face mask, compliant with COVID-19 requirements.


COVID-19 has changed our daily life and continues to do so. One such instance is the reopening of stores and public institutes like museums, libraries, etc., which are now linked with new regulations. A basic provision is to compel customers and/or visitors to wear face masks and the accompanying obligation to check for customer/visitor compliance. 

  • Static signage (e.g. a poster) and accountability of customers/visitors are a must
  • At the end of the day, nobody knows how effective these measures actually are 
  • In a worst-case scenario, additional staff is needed to guard doors

The Xovis all-in-one solution

Xovis 3D sensors now allow you to identify individuals who are wearing face masks. You can benefit from all existing functions and add value simply by installing the Face Mask Detection AI extension.

  • Sensors count all people and recognize whether a person is wearing a face mask or not

  • AI firmware has been trained to visually distinguish individuals if they wear a face mask. When the AI extension is activated, the sensor or AI firmware mimics the human eye and can thus detect a masked face

  • Data provide information for an instant alert function or further analytics processing, as needed

  • No additional expensive system is required

  • AI-powered Xovis sensors running an AI-based people counting algorithm provide an embedded solution. This means that everything is computed on the sensor

Technical data

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