*Measuring In-Store Dwell Times
Physical retailers want to replicate metrics already used by e-commerce sellers to gauge a customer’s interest in a particular product. Manual observation of how long customers spend looking at a product or shelf can be costly and inexact, especially if the behavior is responsive to observation. In addition to potentially creating an unnecessary obstacle, positioning a designated employee or third-party contractor to measure dwell times in a specific zone also interferes with optimal staff allocation.
Retailers wanting to make the most of store layout and product positioning need to know:
The relationship between dwell time and conversion rate
The impact of product position on dwell times
When a customer is browsing or visually engaging with a product
Accurately mapping the customer behavior across the in-store journey can improve category merchandising and enhance sales and profits by placing higher-margin products where customers are more likely to buy them. Using an automated system to capture objective, actionable data is critical for:
Understanding the path to purchase, including dwell time and view direction
Adapting the product arrangements based on data-driven insights
Moving high-margin products to top locations to increase sales
Differentiating between engaged shoppers and passersby
Delivering real-time data about in-store performance
Xovis' 3D sensors offer brick-and-mortar stores a competitive edge by hastening the trial-and-error process for improved decisions and higher revenue.
Adding an automated solution to measure in-store dwell times and their impact on sales performance can help retailers:
Improve engagement and capture rates in designated zones
Test the effect of adjustments to product placement
Eliminate costs associated with manual data collection
Optimize placement and shorten the trial-and-error process
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