Object detection

Sensors counting passengers can recognize bicycles, prams/strollers and wheelchairs, separating object detection from passengers counting. 


People transit with bicycles, prams/strollers and wheelchairs. And they all need space. To optimize on-board services and save resources, allocate the right transportation vehicles to the right places. Accurate object detection and live data helps the planning and operating of transport fleets and lines.

  • So far operations and fleet management could not optimize on-board services without access to accurate data 
  • So far operators have had no access to information about live bicycle occupancy or tickets purchased in transportations coaches, how many space is used by prams/strollers in a vehicle or which lines are used the most by wheelchair users
  • Manual object counting cost time and resources, which led to inaccuracies in billing and subsidy calculations

The Xovis all-in-one solution

Xovis PCT1 sensors now allow you to detect objects. Benefit from all existing functions and add value simply by installing the object detection extension.

  • Sensors count all passengers and detect bicycles, prams/strollers and wheelchairs.
  • AI firmware has been trained to visually distinguish bicycles, prams/strollers and wheelchairs when the AI extension is activated. 
  • Bicycles, prams/strollers and wheelchairs are visualized live in the WebUI for easy verification.
  • Data provides information for further analytics processing.
  • No additional expensive system is required.
  • AI-powered Xovis sensors running an AI-based passenger counting algorithm provide an embedded solution. This means that everything is computed on the sensor.

Technical data

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