View direction

Sensors recognize an individual’s focus, or the direction in which their head and shoulders are facing. 


Is your advertising getting seen? Want to find out what your customers attention is focused on? Merchandising and placing an advertisement at the right place is crucial for maximum brand impact. Having the right data for optimization is the challenge.

  • Advertisement is expensive, whether it is static or video-based 
  • At the end of the day, nobody knows how effective a specific ad has been 
  • Being able to instantly grab and hold attention of customers is key

The Xovis all-in-one solution

Xovis 3D sensors allow you to process the view direction of individuals. Benefit from all existing functions and add value simply by installing the View Direction AI extension.

  • Sensors count all people and provide a view direction vector 
  • AI firmware makes it possible to visually distinguish an individual's view direction. When the AI extension is activated, the sensor’s AI firmware mimics the human eye and delivers the view direction
  • Data provide information for further analytics processing
  • No additional expensive system is required
  • AI-powered Xovis sensors running an AI-based people counting algorithm provide an embedded solution. This means that everything is computed on the sensor

Technical data

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