Multiple Stores, One Vision: Performance Benchmarking
Retailers need a chain-wide perspective to identify and respond to trends quickly. Revenue and customer satisfaction goals can be reached more efficiently by:
Accessing real-time KPIs from multiple channels
Streamlining data capture and analysis
Adjusting sales and staff resources based on chain-wide performance
Precise entry and exit counts that exclude undecided passersby—those just peek-ing in—combined with customer demographics, dwell times, queuing statistics, and heat maps provide a real-time assessment of store performance retailers can measure against other locations. A richer and more dynamic perspective of performance at multiple locations can be obtained with reliable KPIs that:
Deliver accurate data on footfall and customer behavior
Exclude staff and non-committed guests from counts
Differentiate between customers shopping as part of a group
Improve conversion rates and expand basket sizes

We have identified, that one of the key issues was to set the right and effective workforce planning not only towards the cost savings but also with respect to the overall customer experience.
Performance benchmarking is crucial for making timely adjustments to marketing, staffing or operating hours that may keep specific business segments, employees or products from reaching their true potential. Sensor-based solutions can help by
Carrying out cross-channel comparisons of visitor flow at different times
Digitizing offline sales channels
Comparing visitor numbers and conversion rates across channels
Implementing new initiatives and measuring their success over time
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