*Passenger counting data: fleet and ticketing optimization
Higher fuel prices and a push for more sustainable cities have increased pressure on public transport operators to provide robust but well-contoured services to a more tech-savvy clientele.
Basing strategic decision-making about fleet size and scheduling, routes, and customer trends on real-time footfall data and related KPIs can:
Optimize operational efficiency
Minimize operational costs
Maximize passenger satisfaction
Automatic Passenger Counting (APC) systems count how many passengers enter or leave a vehicle, determine occupancy rates and, for trains, movement between classes in real time.
A cornerstone of mobility solutions within smart cities, such systems help with:
Monitoring the performance of transportation routes
Adjusting vehicle deployment to match passenger demand
Improving ticket pricing models and community fare settlement
Such solutions, easily integrated within the existing operating systems used by transport operators, are essential for:
Better understanding of passenger demographics
Adjusting fleet and vehicle deployment
Reducing operating costs by optimizing fleet size and staffing needs
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