*Improving Capture Rates with Window Shopping Analytics
Basket size, sales per square foot and conversion rates are among the most relevant KPIs related to store performance in the retail industry. But retailers in different categories need to know what is happening outside of their stores to improve performance inside their stores. Advancing potential customers along the sales funnel starts before they enter the store.
To measure the impact of storefront advertisement, layout and design, physical retailers need to know:
The percentage of passersby that enter the store
Physical obstacles that deter passersby from entering
Real-time changes affecting passerby interest
Which storefront areas engage or repel passersby
The demographic profile of passersby
An automated data-capture solution can provide retailers with real-time and historical data about the behavior of window shoppers. Robust and weather-resistant data capture devices take the guesswork out of measuring capture rates by:
Capture accurate data on passerby entries
Track the journey from storefront to sale
Provide anonymous demographic data on passersby
Xovis' 3D sensors offer brick-and-mortar stores a competitive edge by hastening the trial-and-error process for improved decisions and higher revenue.
Increasing the number of visitors that enter your store increases the potential for more sales. Window shopping analytics can also help retailers:
Shorten testing periods on window displays
Align storefront marketing with passerby demographics
Test staff allocation to increase capture rates
Adjust physical barriers that create hesitation
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