*Investing in Transportation Based on Objective Data
Investments into public transportation are generally significant in scale, scope and duration. Considering the long-term nature of planning and the level of spending on projects, Public Transportation Operators (PTOs) are constantly looking for data to support decisions with a direct impact on society.
Without clear and accurate data, PTOs risk:
Ordering public transit vehicles unrepresentative of user demand
Planning infrastructure developments unresponsive to passenger trends
Spending excessively on projects or products disconnected from actual use
Defending investment decisions before different stakeholders
A sophisticated data capture solution can deliver insights about how passengers interact with a transit network to a wide range of stakeholders. And PTOs developing passenger transportation networks need a robust system that can accurately capture a wide range of complex data points.
To further collaborative fact-based decision-making among interconnected government and non-governmental agencies, investors, and the public is easier with a scalable solution that:
Captures accurate and objective data about passenger use
Equipped to accurately identify objects such as bikes, prams and wheelchairs
Integrates data points from a wide coverage area into accessible KPIs
Delivers reports based on custom parameters
Supporting investment decisions based on rich data is important for limiting wasteful or misallocated capital spending. When investment funds are optimally allocated, PTOs benefit from:
Higher revenues from a service matched to demand
Happier passengers
Government and public trust
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